Tag Archives forPositive

The Benefits of Foods


Everywhere you read and hear (mostly) bad things foods can do to you.


A website publishing the benefits of foods (with some qualifying warning if some risks exist.)

Icons made by Freepik


November 6, 2016

The Positive Channel


To get rid of all the negativity and want to see something positive, relaxing and happy.


A video channel dedicated to showing only positive videos. They don’t have to be exciting, just showing everyday scenes with normal people living in a happy moment in time.

Icons made by Freepik


October 30, 2016

Let Your Smartphone Help You Be More Positive


Using positive words helps your brain develop, while negative words increase your stress hormone (according to some research.)


An app running on your smartphone that listens to you and analyzes the words you use. When your use of negative words goes above a certain threshold you set, the app will alert you.

Icons made by Freepik


September 17, 2016

How to Stimulate Your Creativity


Whether you need to solve a problem, create a new plan, or create art, boosting your creativity helps.


An app and website that exposes you to creativity inducing stimuli. The right music (happy), sights like flowers and nature and happy faces, pictures of famously creative thinkers, colors like blue, and other positive cues. Just press play and absorb.

Icons made by Freepik


September 2, 2016

How Did You Feel Today?


Before going to sleep check up on how you did today. Was it a happy day or were you drowned in negative emotions?


An app you can quickly use to record an emotion when you feel it. Just click on the right button.

Icon made by Freepik

August 31, 2016