Tag Archives forPost

Clarification Service for Online Articles and Posts


You read an article about someone, and you don’t know if it’s true or even if they asked for a reaction from the people or companies mentioned in the article. Or maybe you are one of the people mentioned there, and you want to give another point of view.


A service that does the following:
1. Using web browser extension or plugin, any visitor can immediately see any reaction made by anyone mentioned in that article.
2. These are either gathered online by the service (from Twitter, Facebook, etc.), or the persons themselves – after being verified – have written them directly into the system. Only people mentioned and verified can react.
3. Every new reaction is also automatically distributed by the service to its own channels on the web, Twitter, Facebook, etc., and also other outlets.

Icons made by Freepik


November 15, 2016

Show the Numbers to the Readers


It will change the dynamics and might help.


Publish all numbers that are relevant to the publisher for each post. The page views, income from advertising, etc. This might change the dynamics of how posts perform in an exciting and unexpected ways.

Icons made by Freepik


November 3, 2016

Write Your Blog Post With Your Readers


A fun way to get your readers involved. They will spread the word.


Write the outline and an intro, and ask your readers to fill in the blanks in the outline. Then edit the whole thing to create a coherent (in style and content) complete article.

Icons made by Freepik


October 25, 2016

A Little Technique to Avoid Reader Fatigue


You published an article, and now you promote it on multiple platforms (email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) It might take many touches with your reader to get them to read it, but you might be overdoing it at the same time.


Make sure you use a different image with each communication/ touch point. If you don’t, you run the risk of the reader thinking they already read your article, just because they saw the same image so many times. This is especially true if you publish frequently.

Icons made by Freepik


October 21, 2016

Just Speak and Get an Article


You would like to write a blog post, but you are not good at writing, have no experience or time.


An app and website where you can press a button, speak into your device’s microphone (or upload a recording) about the subject – anyone can speak – and get an article written based on your recording. You should talk about the subject and include instructions to the writer and editor who will make this into an article.

Icons made by Freepik


October 19, 2016