Tag Archives forPredict

What Would the Future Be Like?


See if and how well you can predict the future.


A website where people can write their view on how the future will be and in what time frame. It’s like a public reversed time capsule. Each user will get an alert from time to time (they can decide the frequency, but maximum once a year) to check their prediction and add to it their new thoughts. Others can comment on their prediction and discuss it, and anyone can share them.

Icons made by Freepik


December 2, 2016

If I Change This Headline Will It Go Viral?


Test if and how much does the headline influences and predicts the virality of a post.


Take existing blog posts and only change their headline. Track their spread and compare to the previous title. Try and find a formula that can predict virality based on these experiments.

Icons made by Freepik


August 30, 2016

Am I a Fool To Buy This Now? Should I Wait for the Next Version?


For many things you want and need nowadays, you might ask yourself this question. New MacBook, TV or Camera? I don’t have to buy now so should I wait?


Have an “oracle” that would ask you some questions like “what’s the time frame you can wait?”. Then crunch all the info gathered online and from other sources and give you a recommendation whether to buy now or wait.

Icons made by Freepik


August 28, 2016