Tag Archives forPrice

Use Very High Price as Persuation Technique for Your Online Sales Page


Using a higher price will make the price you are asking seem much more reasonable. You need a tool to help you keep that in front of your visitor al the time.


Have a floating box (to the left, right, bottom or top of your page) showing your potential buyer a product that is much much (even ridiculously) higher price that what you are trying to sell. The floating box always stays visible even when the visitor scrolls up or down.

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December 4, 2016

Cost Structure of Well Known Products


See how much it costs to make what you buy.


Publish studies on well know products, showing their price structure, how mich it costs to develop, manufacture, market, etc.

Icons made by Freepik


November 10, 2016

Product Economics Transparency – an Experiment


It might lead to more income and better relationship with the customers.


Show cost of the online information product (making and marketing), how many you need to sell to make a profit, and how many already sold. Emphasize the smaller amount (first the amount sold, when the amount needed to turn a profit is near then show the amount still needed, and when the profit exists then show the profit.)

Icons made by Freepik


November 10, 2016

Pricing by Freshness – an Experiment


Might help self-select different target audiences.


Price relevant products based on their freshness, with (most of the time) the freshest being the most expensive.

Icons made by Freepik


November 9, 2016