Many would like to have a journal of important things that occur to them during their day, every day. Thoughts, ideas, experiences, etc. Many don’t because it can be hard. You need the discipline to make it a habit, and it’s hard to remember later what seemed a good entry at the moment it occurred.
An app you can – at a push of a button – record your short entry right after it occurred. Just say it to your smartphone’s mic and it will be forwarded to someone who will transcribe and edit it. Next day you will see all the entries of the previous day in chronological order correctly edited. You can share the online journal if you wish, with particular people or the world, and even get a printed copy for a given period as a book.
You have a surface that has a color and texture, and sooner or later you get a scratch, nick, etc. in it.
A pen that can scan a small area of the surface you have the blemish in, so it can get the color and texture, and then “prints” the same color and texture in the blemished area, making the blemish disappear.
So that the new crown is an exact copy of the old tooth.
Before doing anything, when the tooth is still intact, scan it or take a mold and scan that. Based on the scan print a new tooth from the right materials to use as a crown by the dentist.
Want a credential as “Certified Butter Coffee Expert” by “Cafetura Instituta de Burra”? Maybe a paper that shows you are a world leading expert in growing pet animals for office use?
Have an online generator. Input a short description of what you need, and get a certificate generated. Choose from multiple styles of design (modern, old european etc.), types of text (comic, satirical, dead pan, serious etc.). Download it or get it sent to your address nicely printed.