Guest posting is a growing phenomenon on blogs. It has many benefits for both the blogger writing the post and the blog publishing it.
A marketplace where blog publishers and writers (most of the time one is both) can find authors to write guest posts for them and also to offer their guest post writing to other blog publishers. Each member can describe in his profile if they want to write guest posts, are looking to publish other writers’ guest posts or both. They can showcase previous works, their blogs and other relevant information regarding how they work and what they offer and expect.
You see a book that looks interesting, but you would like to read it in your mother tongue.
An app where you can scan the book’s barcode or take a photo of the cover, and you’ll get a list of all editions in all languages published and available. The app can also show you where you can get the version you are looking for online or offline where you are currently.
To better target ad messages to what the visitor is seeing or reading.
Have an ad that floats and stays with the visitor as he is scrolling the web page. This floating ad changes based on the text the visitor is currently reading or the graphic or video he is watching. This way each ad and call to action can be very particular to the state of mind of the visitor at any given time.
Most cooking websites and apps center around the recipes. This one is different.
Have a cooking community website that is organized around the user and not a particular recipe. When you look up a recipe, first you check the recipe publisher’s member profiles, and then their recipes. You can follow them to get updates, communicate with them, rate them and their recipes, etc. As a user, you can also publish your original recipes or your version of any recipe you think is THE recipe for that dish.
Encourage people to buy on the first day of availability (or pre-order), and make these into a collector’s item.
Print special dust covers that only those who buy the book on the first day get.
Can also be done with other products like games, playing cards, toys, etc.