You are thinking about buying a new car, so you try to decide which model and how to finance it. A car dealer might try and proactively sell you a car and help you find financing. This is true for many other products. The common third party in many cases is the bank financing the deal.
Banks should have their own sales people who proactively do the matchmaking. They hunt for good customers and good businesses and approach the client with concrete offers based on their knowledge of him. In other words, they are the initiator – they sell the right product to the right customer and get to sell their financial services at the same time.
Switch the paradigm for better health.
Instead of you going to the doctor when you decide that you must go, your doctor decides when to come to you. You will be equipped with multiple sensing devices that either work automatically (heart beat, temperature), or you will need to use daily (blood pressure). The doctor will get a daily report and decide if he needs to come over. As sensing devices develop, the reporting would be more accurate, and the Doctor’s proactive involvement will be more precise.