Tag Archives forPublication

The Jet Life


Just like luxury cars and other items, far more people are interested in them than are actually buying. Why not one for private jets?


Publication (online/print) dedicated to the private jet and the world of owning one.

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December 10, 2016

Top Things You Should Know Today About…


Get the most important things that are happening in various areas of interest (technology, medicine, games, marketing, etc.)


Weekly publication of a top list for various subjects. Each list has the top most important things that are happening in that area with a short synopsis and links to further reading.

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November 15, 2016

Time Since Published and Views Stamps


A new way to show what’s most new and most viewed.


On a news website’s home or topic page, stamp each headline with a relative time stamp showing how long ago was it published and also how many people already viewed it.

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November 11, 2016

Learn From the New Geniuses


Most people have a disdain to younger generations. The future is largely going to be defined by them. It’s worth following, listening, watching and reading what their brightest have to say.


A website dedicated to curated or original content from the younger generations. The editors scout and publish the top of the crop, as well as inviting some to write specifically for the website.

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October 12, 2016

Publication Trail Based on Time


See the timeline of a news story, who published it first, and who got it from whom.


Scan all the leading news publications online and identify the same news stories in all of them. Then build a timeline based on when they were published using both the date stamp of the publication if available, and the discovery time stamp. This will enable us in the long run, to establish online influence patterns.

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October 10, 2016
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