Tag Archives forPublisher

Army of Users to “Clean” “Yellow” Web Pages


Many web pages exist that are today’s equivalent of “yellow” newspapers. They are not very particular about what they publish as long as they get the clicks.


These websites rely on user behavior, so let’s make them change by obscuring their metrics. Create an army of participating users that “behave” in counter-intuitive ways to confuse these websites. By commenting and liking and visiting all kinds of pages on these sites, if done in sufficient numbers, will obscure the accurate view of user behavior from the publisher. These should be centrally coordinated and seem totally random.

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November 11, 2016

A Publisher for Self-Publishing Authors


Although anyone can self-publish today, and many do and make an excellent living doing so, the publishing side of it is very different than the writing side.


Create a publishing house that specializes in self-publishing authors. Instead of the two current options – do it all yourself or give it all to the publisher – this publishing house is in between these options. It cooperates with the author and shares the work and duties, contributing the unique expertise needed like marketing, editing, etc., and also shares the income generated by the cooperation.

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October 1, 2016

The Editor’s Picks Magazine


It’s all about credentials. But not the credentials someone else gives, but the credentials the editor gave. Most magazines write about someone or let them write for them because of outside credentials.


Publish a magazine where the only credential that counts is what the editor thinks. Only articles of personal judgment are published. The people profiled are chosen because the publisher and editor regard them highly, even if they are unknown to most of the world. It’s an entirely personal (but explained) point of view in each and every article published.

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September 20, 2016