If the visitor to your web page sees how much time they’ll have to spend – even if it’s not short – it’ll might make them more willing to read on.
Show an estimated time that it will take them to read the web page, based on an average reader’s speed. Then as they read and scroll down the page, update the estimation of time remaining until they finish, by taking into account both the remaining unread parts and also their actual speed of reading.
I would like to see how much I read.
A feature in ebook readers that will show me how much I have read daily, weekly, etc., how much time (in hours) did it take me to read a particular book, and over how many days.
Create a never-ending list of stories.
An app where you enter you airplane code and your seat number, and you can then do two things: read all the stories of people who sat there before you on other flights, and add your own. Each seat on each plane has an unlimited number of stories you can browse on a timeline. Stories about the people who sat there, about their flight, unrelated personal stories, any kind of personal story.
There is an abundance of valuable knowledge and information out there. The trouble is knowing where the good stuff is.
Publish courses made entirely out of other people’s content. Each course will have a read/listen/watch list with links to all the best content on the subject, arranged in the right order so you can go step by step until you finish the course and acquire the knowledge you wanted.
Reading is critical for your development. Wouldn’t you like to know how much you develop?
Add an OS level ability to measure text read across different applications like e-book readers, web browsers, etc., much like the steps counter already in modern smartphones.