Reading a book and seeing someone’s marginalia gives a whole new experience to reading the book.
Have a service that extracts your highlights and notes you make while reading ebooks. You can also input marginalia of real books you read. You then publish the feed to your marginalia and others can subscribe to it and see it on their ebook reader as they read the book. They can subscribe to marginalia from multiple people and see all of them while reading the book.
Exposure to things you would not look for by yourself to find interesting reads.
Browser extension that analyzes (subject, intellectual level, etc.) websites you visit and suggests new ones that you would never think of by yourself.
To both find stuff you normally wouldn’t and to help search for and receive the best of these interesting reads.
Every reader plays two parts in this system. First, they get random suggestions for interesting reads. Then for every random unrated article they read and rate the also get a one for one credit, and can read an article that was randomly chosen but already highly rated by other readers. Of course, they can rate such an article too – but the more people already read and rated that article, the smaller the credit they get for that. You only get full credit for unrated articles. This way you both help filter the best reads for others and get the best reads from others.
You read something and read it again, go back and reread it, you have some trouble understanding it, or maybe you have some thoughts you want to pursue.
A smart reader (browser extension, e-book function, etc.) that suggests more information based on your behavior while reading. For instance, if you read at a certain pace, and you stay longer on a paragraph, you might get a pop up asking if you need to dig deeper into details or would like to expand by getting related information.
If you admire a public figure (artist, businessman, etc.), you might be interested in what he is reading.
Every time your favorite celebrity reads a new book, interesting article, etc., you will get an alert. It’s a platform for public figures to have another way to connect with their fans and vice versa.