Tag Archives forReal Life

Famous Monsters and Their Real Life Origins


Many of the most outrageous, funny and scary monsters you see in films have their (visual) counterpart in real life.


An article showing many famous monsters and their real-life origin that must have influenced the artist who created them.

Icons made by Freepik


November 24, 2016

Real Life Shopping Reviews


Get to know what others think about the shop you’re about to enter.


An augmented reality app that shows you both before going in (by pointing the camera at the shop), and after your already inside (by pointing the camera at different spots in the shop), what others have written about it. General reviews, reviews on specific items, etc. you can, of course, leave you own review.

Icons made by Freepik


November 18, 2016

Real Life Wiki


Learn and have fun.


An augmented reality app. When you see something while walking that you think is interesting, or you know an interesting fact about it, maybe you discovered something, etc., you just launch the app, point the camera at the object and annotate it with your insight. You can also check and see what others have contributed regarding this object or other objects around you (buildings, signs, flowers, etc.)

Icons made by Freepik


November 18, 2016

Surprise Beacons – Real Life Messaging


Take emojis and stickers offline to real life.


Incorporate into messaging systems (Facebook, Viber, a new app just for this) the ability for users to “leave” messages, emojis and stickers at real life spots in the city. When the recipient approaches the spot, the system will either show him the message or guide him to the place (a game like hot-or-cold) and then show him. The spot can be a meaningful one, or just somewhere the sender knows the recipient will be like on route home.

Icons made by Freepik


November 9, 2016

Communicate Your Real Life Current Status


Are you at home and can I come over for a quick visit? Maybe you are busy. Let others’ know.


An app or a function in an existing social network like Facebook that lets you publish your status of your openness to surprise communication or a visit from your friends. Similar to instant messaging statuses, just for real life (you can call me, come over, busy, unavailable, etc.)

Icons made by Freepik


October 13, 2016