Make the screen function more like a real window.
A screensaver showing a beautiful scene and behaves like a real window to that scene would: when you move or turn your head the displayed scene will change to reflect your point of view of the scene as you would see it through a real window. The built-in camera can be used to track your movements.
You want real time facts, news, information, etc.
A website dedicated to having an up to date collection of other specific (not platforms like Twitter) sources on the web – all publishing real-time content.
You read a lot of rumors and made up stories about celebrities. It would be interesting for a change, to get real life stories from people who actually had an experience with a celebrity.
A website that allows (after an editor approves it) anyone using their actual identity publish their experience with a celebrity.
You cannot click on a word in a real book to get more information like you can in an ebook reader.
By wearing an augmented reality device (like Google Glass) that can also visually track what you’re doing (like hand gestures), you can simulate the act of clicking on anything in a book and see more information about it projected on the page you are reading.
Hotels understandably show you the best photos of their rooms, grounds and the hotel building itself. These are many times misleading.
A website where people can upload their photos from their real life experience at the hotel. You can browse and look what’s probably a more realistic depiction.