Tag Archives forRecurring

Membership Based Solely on the Group’s Periodic Access to You


There are many benefits to being a member instead of buying. Some are personal access, no substantial upfront cost, always updated, quit anytime, etc. Having a members club is also beneficial for other reasons. For example stable income, attentive audience, etc. there is, however, one problematic facet to having one: you need to keep members interested so they won’t leave.


Build a membership plan that has only one component: you. Give the group access to you in the form of a weekly or monthly interactive (online or offline) group meeting, where you talk a little about your relevant experiences of the past week or month, and then anyone can ask questions, and you answer them. You should also close the meeting with a cliffhanger for the next one, and deliver the one you promised in the previous session. That’s it, nothing else. No Extra content, no new training, etc. just a periodic access to you and your brain.

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October 4, 2016

Make Sure No Recurring Charge Goes Through Without You Okaying It


You get a message that your card was charged for your monthly fee to something you don’t need or want anymore. You meant to cancel the service, but it’s only a few dollars a month, and you always forget until you get the next message you were changed again.


A service that connects to your cards and an app that alerts you when a charge is being made. You have the option to ok it, or cancel this particular transaction or all future ones as well, with a push of one button. You can set a default for when you are not available.

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September 24, 2016