Don’t waste time going through a lot of irrelevant material when looking for information on the internet.
A service that offers on-demand personal researchers. You choose the area to research (like health, advertising, sports, etc.) and briefly communicate exactly what you are looking for. The personal researcher will then do the research for you and send you the most relevant information with links to the original materials.
To shorten the time it takes to do research for a book, article, etc.
Ask people to help you with research in exchange for their name as a collaborator in the publication. You do the initial research and then share it privately with those who volunteered. They then go and do a deep dive into the subjects you found, reporting on their findings and possibly new ideas for further research. It’s much easier if you already have a name, but it might appeal to others even if you don’t, since most people will not write and publish their work. This gives them an opportunity for their work to be published.
If a pattern could be found that is typical to visitors who convert, it can be useful.
A study to measure the timing of visitor actions to find useful patterns.
To come up with new radical ideas and turn them into useful tools and techniques.
A think tank + execution team. New ideas get tested as fast as possible, refined, and turned into techniques, and tools that can be learned and used by anyone.
Get the whole picture before deciding to act on these.
Publish popular wisdom and their opposites, both sides preferably also backed by research and science. The main objective is to give the reader a more complete picture, so they don’t decide just based on something that just “feels” right, without checking.