Tag Archives forRestaurant

Help the Chef Create Your Dish


A new dining experience.


A restaurant that allows you – for a fee – go into the kitchen and help the chef prepare your dish.

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January 11, 2017

Waiter Based Pricing


The waiter gets a commission for every item sold. The client gets the experience they like and are willing to pay for.


A restaurant that doesn’t have a fixed price list for its menu. Each waiter has their own price list, and it’s their job to sell the experience, themselves and their prices to the clients – bring them in and make them return. The restaurant helps with the marketing, but prospecting and sales are up to the waiter.

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December 10, 2016

Running X Restaurants


Why only sushi?


Try the conveyor belt system for other themed restaurants where there can be a lot of different dishes and variation.

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December 10, 2016

Your Favorites – a Special Menu Just for You


Provide a better experience for your restaurant’s clients and make them return.


Track repeat customers’ habits: what they order regularly, and prepare for them a custom menu that has their favorite items. Next time they come in, present it to them along with the regular menu.

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December 9, 2016

The One Dish Restaurant


An everlasting culinary journey.


A restaurant that only prepares and serves one dish – each day a different one, prepared by someone else who is an expert at cooking that dish. Dishes are rarely repeated, only available for one day, take away, delivery or sit-in.

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November 29, 2016