Tag Archives forScroll

Dynamic Pictures for Testimonials


Emphasize testimonials might lead to higher conversion rate.


Use a big picture of the person giving the testimonial that changes after a short time (3–5 seconds after it becomes visible on the viewer’s screen) to the actual testimonial (text or video that plays silently.)

Icons made by Freepik


January 20, 2017

Two Dimensional Web Site or Blog Navigation


An easier way to navigate?


Make it work similarly to microfiche. Scroll horizontally to navigate between columns of articles, each column a different subject. Scroll vertically to navigate between articles within a given subject. Zoom in (click) on an article to see all of it.

Icons made by Freepik


November 18, 2016

Two Dimensional One Page Web Site


The “one-page” website, where you move (scroll) from “page” to “page” on the same page by clicking, is very popular nowadays. These are all done by scrolling vertically, and sometimes it takes long and looks disorienting.


Have this mechanism working both vertically and horizontally. This way you can minimize long scrolling.

Icons made by Freepik


October 27, 2016