Tag Archives forsearch

Find Out Which Movie Is It


You stumble upon a film playing on TV and there are no details.


Have an app that can listen to the film using the smartphone’s microphone and based on a large database identify the movie.

Icons made by Freepik


September 10, 2016

Get the Right Image for Your Blog Post Without Wasting Time Searching for It


If you publish articles and posts on your own, you want to enhance them with an image, a photo or an icon. It’s tedious and time-consuming to search for the right image with the right license.


Have a search engine that takes text or a URL of a web page, and based on that text find you the right images with the right license (probably some version of Creative Commons.)

Icons made by Freepik


September 10, 2016

Afraid You’ll Pick the Wrong Doctor?


When you look up a professional (a doctor or lawyer) on the web using search it takes a long time to find the references that can be trusted. You might get no references at all or many references and it would take you a long time going through them all to find the relevant quality ones.


Human curated information pages with all the best links about a particular professional you are researching.

Icons made by Freepik
September 1, 2016

Ask for Help In The Kitchen


Instead of using google and going through many iterations until you find out how to ask the right question in order to get the results you need.


A central site for the kitchen context. Just type in your question in plain English, and get the right answers (from the site’s own content or other content out there.) It should be easier than a general search because we know the context of the question.

Icons made by Freepik


August 31, 2016