Tag Archives forSecurity

Smart House Drone


A drone that knows how to go around the house and stream a video feed can be useful. For instance, you can check if you left your keys at home, or see if the stove was not left on, it can alert you if there is an intruder, etc.


A drone that can navigate the house (using the visuals it analyzes from the video cam, the map in its memory, etc.) Anytime you can remotely activate it and tell it to go somewhere in the house and show you what’s there. It can also be programmed to react to certain events, like sound, motion, external input (alarm system), etc., and alert you when the conditions you requested are met. You can also program it to do “the rounds” from time to time as an extra security measure, and alert you when something is out of order (like a change in the what it sees compared to last time. When not active it can land on its charging mat to recharge.

Icons made by Freepik


September 29, 2016

Know if Your Carry on Is “TSA” Safe


Don’t you hate it when they take away an item because it’s unsafe to carry on?!


An app that takes a photo of tour carry on with everything inside and identify which items you should pack in the suitcase yu check in instead.

Icons made by Freepik


September 9, 2016

Randomized Prevention and Protection Drone


Every security system has fixed parameters. The number of cameras and when and what they cover over time. This is a vulnerability.


By having a video camera-carrying drone perform check flights, at random times and in random flight paths, the predictability of the security system is reduced.
Icon made by Freepik

September 1, 2016