Tag Archives forSensitive

Calendar With Smart Reminders


Context based reminders make your life easier.


A calendar app that can recognize different types of entries, like travel, vacation, flights. When the app recognizes a certain context – let’s say flying to London for a week – it suggests helpful alerts like checking in a couple of days before the flight, making arrangements for travel insurance, etc.

Icons made by Freepik


October 31, 2016

Context Sensitive Floating Ad


To better target ad messages to what the visitor is seeing or reading.


Have an ad that floats and stays with the visitor as he is scrolling the web page. This floating ad changes based on the text the visitor is currently reading or the graphic or video he is watching. This way each ad and call to action can be very particular to the state of mind of the visitor at any given time.

Icons made by Freepik


September 18, 2016