Tag Archives forSimple

Get One Simple and Easy Tip a Day for Better, Happier and Healthier Living


There are many things you can do that are good for you, but you still don’t do them, because they are complicated, take long, are hard to do, etc., or you don’t know about them.


Get a daily tip; that is easy and straightforward to do. You don’t have to do them all, or even many of them. Because you get one every day, you can pick and choose one to try (each one is simple and easy) from time to time, and after a while, some will become a habit.

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October 6, 2016

Know Quickly and to the Point What Are They Really Offering


Many times you go to a website to check what they ate offering, but it’s not very clear what they do. It may be because what they do is complex, or they rather sound clever than do a good job communicating what’s important to you.


Have a website dedicated to explaining exactly what other service providers do. In a simple and straightforward way, the reader will learn the important points they want to know about that service. There can also be a discussion by the readers for each such service explanation.
Revenue can be from ad placements or commissions on sales.

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September 16, 2016