Tag Archives forSmart

How to Smoke Less


There are many reasons why you would like to smoke less: better health, saving money, inconvenience, etc.


A cigarette holder that can be programmed only to allow you to open it after a certain amount of time (30, 50, 80 minutes) have passed since the last open.

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December 16, 2016

Calendar With Smart Reminders


Context based reminders make your life easier.


A calendar app that can recognize different types of entries, like travel, vacation, flights. When the app recognizes a certain context – let’s say flying to London for a week – it suggests helpful alerts like checking in a couple of days before the flight, making arrangements for travel insurance, etc.

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October 31, 2016

Local Smart Heating and Air Conditioning to Save Energy and Money


The way we heat or cool our homes is not optimal. A lot of energy and money is wasted.


Have the ability to control the operation of each heating and cooling unit in each room. In the beginning, the system will work as usual, turning everything on or off based on time and temperature like a standard thermostat based system. At the same time, sensors in each unit in each room will observe your behavior patterns. When do you usually use that room, for how long, how much energy and heat do you dissipate into the environment, etc. When the system becomes smarter and recognizes useful repeating patterns, it will start predicting and controlling the heating and cooling. So if you always work in your study at certain times, the system will automatically turn off the unit in that room at a certain time before you leave, and turn it on again before it expects you to use it. This will maximize your comfort and energy usage.

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October 15, 2016

Smart Staircase Lighting in Apartment Buildings


To save energy.


Have sensors that “follow” people and where they are in the building, and only turn on the light where they are and the immediate surroundings. Can also be smart and predict ahead, for instance when someone enters the elevator and pushes a floor button, the system can predict when he’ll arrive and light up the corridor a bit in advance. All the time monitoring all corridors and elevator behavior to optimize for all data gathered.

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September 15, 2016