Tag Archives forSnack

Help Kick the Snacking Habit


You know it’s not good for you, but it’s hard to break the habit. Many times you might not even notice you are doing it, getting up and going to the cupboard.


Have “beacons” that you can stick in or near the places you go to when you want a snack. Every time you approach any of these “beaconed” places your smartphone will alert you not to do it. You might even record a personal message that plays at that point. You can also have multiple messages, each one playing when you approach the “beacon” associated with it.

Icons made by Freepik


September 16, 2016

Healthier Home Made Alternative to Commercially Available Snacks


If you nad your kids want to snack, why not go the tastier and healthier route?


A website where visitors can find home made tasty and healthy recipes for their favorite store bought snacks. You can browse and find the recipe for a particular snack that is to your liking then try it at home, and also publish your version.

Icons made by Freepik


September 14, 2016