Tag Archives forStudio

Book on Artists in Their Studios


It’s fascinating to see how an artist works.


A book where each chapter shows and tells the story of a particular artist, in both pictures and words.

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November 9, 2016

Design Studio Based on Calligraphy


A different approach to design.


A design studio that concentrates on creating different products with calligraphy as the main motif (home decor, beddings, office tools, etc.)

Icons made by Freepik


November 1, 2016

Your Child’s Artistic Life Journal


As your children start making things like drawings, etc., you accumulate a growing number of their works of art. If you are like me, you try to keep it organized in one place but after a while, it starts to be chaotic and haphazard.


A studio where you can send on a weekly (or ad hoc) schedule your child’s works you would like to keep. Artists at the studio will build a collection of these, keep them safe and organized. They will also create a unique journal of these, edit it to look beautiful, update it regularly, and create an online version so you can see the progress. Any time they think a journal is ready to be finished and to start a new one, they will consult with you and create a new one. You can, of course, get the original anytime, or a professionally printed facsimile.

Icons made by Freepik


October 14, 2016

Get the Live Performance Feeling in Your Music Library


When you buy music and listen to it, again and again, you will always hear the same one, without any variation. Live music at concerts is always a little different from the recorded version and also from live performance to live performance.


Have different versions recorded for each piece of music (in studio, live performances, both.) When you buy the music (for download or streaming) you get access to all the versions. You can choose which version to listen to at any given time, or let the software decide randomly or based on your previous behavior. A new digital format can also be created where you can break down the elements of the music so that the performer can record alternative elements for individual parts and they can be dynamically exchanged or added when you play the music.

Icons made by Freepik


September 29, 2016