Tag Archives forStyle

Know Your Colors in Style


You should know what colors look good on you and what colors to avoid.


An app that takes a picture of your face analyzes the color of your hair, your skin, and your eyes. Based on the analysis it gives you advice on what colors to avoid and in which colors you will look good.

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December 3, 2016

Your Style Journal


What if you could see how your style (and fashion) changed throughout your life?


Make an album on your smartphone (or have a dedicated app) and take a daily photo of yourself in clothes you wear that day.

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October 6, 2016

Intelligent Message Completion


You have patterns you repeat when answering emails and otherwise messaging. These are similar to other peoples but have your style of expression. Today you can already automate these on many devices by using snippets and a shortcut. The only problem is that they are always exact copies, so answering the same person twice will reveal this fact.


A smart snippet software that, while you are typing, analyzes your words and suggests an auto-completion of the whole sentence and not just one word. It will do so with a slightly different variation based on how you started your sentence and your writing style. As you continue writing what it suggests changes until at some point, you choose to use it and complete the sentence or even a whole paragraph.

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September 29, 2016

Men Style Daily Curated Journal


Have all the most interesting articles hand picked and delivered daily.


A blog of other blog’s posts. A short intro to each hand picked article and a link to the original one.

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August 29, 2016

Match Your Website to Your Target Audience


You probably have more than one profile (avatar) as your target audience. Using some principles of influence like authority and similarity can help project the right image for a particular visitor.


Have different looks for your website, each projecting what you want to the current visitor. For instance, projecting authority to a corporate visitor might include a photo of you in a smart high-end suit giving a talk to a large corporate audience. At the same time for someone who has a small business they run from home, a more “rich guy” casual photo of you might project more authority to him. The technical solutions for doing this by keeping track of where the visitor came from, what ad or article did they read before they clicked and came to your site, etc., are already available, as well as dynamically modifying the look of your website. You should have a default look for your site, for those visitors who you don’t know enough about.

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August 28, 2016