Tag Archives forSummary

Book Video


Many people don’t like reading non-fiction.


Synopsize popular non-fiction books in video format – a short documentary, summarizing the book and its main points.

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January 1, 2017

Crowd Sourced Book Abstracts


Get the most important points of the book without needing to read it, then read it if you want to dive deeper.


A website that allows anyone to write a summary of a book (non-fiction, business books, or even fiction) using a template of what needs to be in brief. And of course, anyone can read these summaries to get the gist of the book.

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December 20, 2016

What You Need to Know Today


Save you time and effort, and still allow you to know what you need to know that is happening or has just happened.


Every morning you’ll get a brief created for you (automatically), mostly based on the subjects you follow. It’s short and has all the important information summarized.

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September 9, 2016

Book Summary Center


People can share their good (or bad) book summaries so others can skip reading the whole book and get the gist of it (if the summary is comprehensive enough.) Readers can also get a better insight and help them decide whether to read the whole book.


Have a site where people can submit their summaries for new books or even books that already have other summaries. Use a rating system to give priority to users who’s summaries are better.

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August 28, 2016

Summary Books on Specific Subjects


Many subjects have vast amounts of books written about them. If you really want to get the picture you’ll need to read a lot of them.


Read all the relevant books, and summarize them in a single book. This book will give the readers all the main important information they need at a fraction of the expense of time and money.

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August 27, 2016