Tag Archives forSynopsis

Get the Main Logical Points of an Article and Visually See Their Connections and Build Up


You read an article online and by the and you have an idea of what it was trying to say. But of you look at it again, all the main points and maybe also the logical sequences are buried inside a lot of text that at this time – after you understand it – is just in the way of seeing all the main points and their connections.


A browser extension that allows you to select and highlight multiple sections in the article (text and graphics), and then rearrange them on a layer “above” the article in a way that visually demonstrates the connections and logical build up of the main idea or ideas expressed in the article. You can then save this as a new web page to any cloud solution you use (like Evernote, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.), share it, print it, etc.

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October 11, 2016

Hand Filtered and Edited Daily Alerts


Alerts are an excellent tool to keep yourself informed on your market, and there are a few good services already, some even free like Google alerts. They are, however, inaccurate at best, and time-consuming at worst.


Have your automatic alerts be curated by a personal assistance service. You have a session with your account assistant where you explain exactly what you are looking for in those alerts, and what should bot reach you. From that point on all your alerts will be filtered and edited by your assistant(s). You will get a daily (or even hourly) digest of all the alerts you need. You can even ask for them to synopsize long articles to help you get to the meat of things.

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October 5, 2016

Automatic Synopsis for Long Emails


You would like to process your emails quickly by reading a single sentence or a very short paragraph.


A software or a service that synopsizes your emails for you so you can go through them quickly.

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October 4, 2016

These Are the Newest Patents That You Should Check Out


Every day many patents are granted, too many to read them all and find out which ones are interesting to you.


Publish a daily list of all patents that might be interesting in certain areas like mobile, AI, virtual reality, Iot, media, etc. Each one of published in the daily list has a detailed synopsis and possible use cases in plain English (with a link to the full patent.) You can subscribe to a daily list of one or more of these areas.

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October 1, 2016

Online Weekly Marketing Lecture by Experts


  • For viewers it is instead of buying a whole expensive marketing product from just one expert, they get a constant stream of information, strategies, tactics, techniques, and insights from many experts. All for a much lower price.
  • For the expert, it’s a promotional platform to build their audience and sell their products.


Have a weekly online live lecture for members. Membership should be a low fee to have as many members as possible. Additional revenues from a commission from lecturers sales. Members can access replays and synopsized replays with just the main points (and the pitch.) This is less about the person and more about the actual help they provide each week.

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September 17, 2016