Tag Archives forTask

Augmented Reality Help


You are stuck. You need (but don’t know how) to replace the doorknob, or the air conditioning unit’s filter, etc.


An app that uses the smartphone’s camera to identify the object you are dealing with, and shows you layered on the video feed from the camera how to do the task you need.

Icons made by Freepik


October 5, 2016

Accountability Game


It will make doing your tasks more fun and help you actually do them.


A website and app that lets you write a goal and a list of tasks (recurring and one time), and invite your friends to hold you accountable. You use this as you would any other task list, with the only difference that they’ll see what happens. To make your friends’ lives easier, the system will message them (email, Facebook, etc.) each day on your progress – what you should have done and did or didn’t. This way they don’t have to do anything proactively, and you know that they know what you did today. They can then – with a simple click – congratulate you on a successful day or send you encouragements for the next day.

Icons made by Freepik


September 24, 2016

Task Alert With Goal Reminder


When you get an alert for a task you need to do, its very easy to dismiss it because you “don’t feel like it” at that point in time (you have more urgent things to do, like arranging the icons on your iPhone.) It’s easy because the context of the task is lost. You forget the “big why” – why do you need to do this!


If you write the reminder in a way that would give you the context of why you want to do this, it might help you execute on it and not reschedule. Don’t write as a “floating” task: “write a new blog post about time management for kids”, instead try: “write a new post about kids time management because I need to win over the parents target market”.

Icons made by Freepik


August 30, 2016