Tag Archives forTimer

Know Your Cooking Time


You put something in the oven, set the timer and want to drink or have a smoke in the garden.


Oven timer that synchronizes with your smartphone app so you can see the remaining time until you need to go back to the oven, and also get an alert when time’s up.

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January 5, 2017

One Time Offer Leading With Discounted Price and Quick Time Countdown


Create extreme urgency.


On your sales page, after the headline, show a floating countdown timer with the price. The price is heavily discounted and goes up very quickly (5–15 minutes?) until reaching the full price. The timer shows how much time until the next higher price is set. This floating overlay follows the buyer as he scrolls and reads through your sales letter. The timer does not have to be the same for each step nor does the price increase, but the buyer can see what the next price will be. For instance, the first or last timers can be longer. You can also have a final timer after reaching the full price, where you give the buyer some extra time to buy it full price but also get a bonus. You might want to use this tool only on the second visit of the customer.

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November 21, 2016

Know When You Procrastinate Then Delegate


We all procrastinate. It would be nice if you knew how much and how to create a positive outcome from it.


Instead of measuring the time you spend on tasks measure the time you spend procrastinating. You can use the same app. Every time you feel you’re putting things off just start the timer and record it as “I should have done X” in the app you’re using. That’s the hard part – being aware that it starts. After a while – give it at leas a week – look at the report. What are the types of tasks that you tend to procrastinate on when they come up? Can any of these be delegated? If so do it and you’ll be much more effective and feel much better about yourself.

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September 4, 2016