Easier to light and relight the pipe with no other tool needed.
A pipe that has a “plug,” a disc that sits on top of the tobacco. You put it on the tobacco after you fill your pipe. It’s light in weight and lets air go in. Each time you need to light the tobacco, you press a small – almost invisible – button on the side of the pipe, and the heating coil inside it warms up quickly as you pull on the pipe as you would while smoking. When the tobacco is lit, you just press the button again to stop the heating.
A fun way to enjoy a cigar or a new pipe tobacco together with others.
Arrange for a time and a specific cigar or pipe tobacco that everyone participating smokes, and an online chat so everyone can discuss the experience with text audio and video.
Nowadays when most governments seem to think we are all idiots, and it’s their job to protect us from our foolishness, we see more and more products with warnings on them. This is very much so with tobacco products.
Print and distribute stickers the size of these warnings so that we can not just have a more attractive box than the one the government think we should see, but also support the cause of protecting our right to live our lives as we please.
It’s difficult nowadays if you are a smoker, especially if you smoke cigars or a pipe.
Create a smoker’s club in your neighborhood. Have fix dates when you can meet (each time at someone else’s place, or rent a local place for the night), smoke, talk and enjoy you smoking hobby.