Find out what your favorite public figure from the past is doing today.
A website where you can browse and search stories about famous people from the past are doing today.
For card lovers, manufacturers, historians, and collectors.
A website cataloging all playing card designs know to man. From the distant past to the latest ones. People can also submit their designs and manufacturers can find new designs among these.
Save you time and effort, and still allow you to know what you need to know that is happening or has just happened.
Every morning you’ll get a brief created for you (automatically), mostly based on the subjects you follow. It’s short and has all the important information summarized.
By consciously thinking once a day about one important thing you have learned that day you’ll: fix it into your long term memory; motivate yourself to learn something new every day.
Keep a notebook and get into the habit – just before you go to bed – of thinking about what you have learned that day. Write it in your notebook. Keep the notebook beside your bed to have a visual cue to help you remember and turn this into a habit. After a year look back and see how you progressed.