Get the most important things that are happening in various areas of interest (technology, medicine, games, marketing, etc.)
Weekly publication of a top list for various subjects. Each list has the top most important things that are happening in that area with a short synopsis and links to further reading.
There are many things you can do that are good for you, but you still don’t do them, because they are complicated, take long, are hard to do, etc., or you don’t know about them.
Get a daily tip; that is easy and straightforward to do. You don’t have to do them all, or even many of them. Because you get one every day, you can pick and choose one to try (each one is simple and easy) from time to time, and after a while, some will become a habit.
You have something new of interest on your radar and would like to know what are the best brands or specific items in that category.
Have a curated top list on many subjects, from luxury cars to note taking apps, all under one roof (a website), and each curated and explained by an expert in the field.
We see “best place to work” or “most wanted companies”, but most are lists coming from advertisers, or publishers with an interest in the results of these lists.
Have a website where anyone can just say: “I want to work for X company” – and vote for that company. Then show how many want to for each company.