Tag Archives forVote

Angry or Overjoyed by a Website? Let Everyone Know!


Express your feelings and opinions about websites. Get to know what others think.


An independent website where anyone can vote up or down any website. Vote on websites already listed or add a new one.

Icons made by Freepik


September 10, 2016

Public Voting in Museums


Let the visitors express their viewpoint.


Have a simple mechanism for visitors to vote for the art they like or dislike. It can be as simple as a button on the wall beside the art, or even a smartphone app.

Icons made by Freepik


September 8, 2016

A Platform for Creating and Awarding Prizes


To enable people with a similar interest and point of view, to create and award a prize.


Allow people to initiate a prize, discuss and lay down the rules, select the committee, and allow prize contributions to be gathered. Then they can open the award for nominations with a deadline. After the nomination deadline, they can open a voting period where anyone can vote. When nominations and votings have finished the award and prize is granted based on the committee’s decision, votes etc.

Icons made by Freepik


September 3, 2016

Voting and Betting Board for Up Coming Product Releases


  1. You can vote on what the new product will be like. Features, design etc.
  2. You can bet on the best predictions.
  3. You can follow and then see who was right.


A site where the editors put out new product releases for voting. People can also bet and suggest new features they think will be part of the new product.

Icons made by Freepik


August 28, 2016