Tag Archives forWatch

Know if You Can Watch the DVD Online


You are at the store and see a DVD you would like to watch, but maybe it’s already available online for you through your subscription (Netflix, Hulu, etc.)


An app that lets you take a quick snap of the DVD’s cover and shows you where it’s available for streaming online.

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January 6, 2017

Criticism Based Success Detector


If you are doing something and starting to succeed, you’ll start to get criticized and attacked. The more criticism, the better indicator of success.


An AI based smart software engine that crawls online content in search for negative mentions of you, your company, and all related things. These are listed for you in order of importance, so you can decide how to deal (if at all) with each one. You will also get a success score (and history graph), based on the data. Both can also be shared publicly.

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November 30, 2016

If You Want to Know This Read These


There is an abundance of valuable knowledge and information out there. The trouble is knowing where the good stuff is.


Publish courses made entirely out of other people’s content. Each course will have a read/listen/watch list with links to all the best content on the subject, arranged in the right order so you can go step by step until you finish the course and acquire the knowledge you wanted.

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October 18, 2016

Help Your Kids Self-Regulate How Much TV They Watch


A few benefits come to mind:
1. They will watch less TV.
2. You’ll have fewer arguments and fights with them.
3. They’ll learn to self-regulate.


Have a system – a piece of paper will do, but an app on all your phones is also a good idea – where you write down what is your point of view on what and how much weekly TV is ok. They will use this to record each and every time they watch TV how long and what did they watch. Every time they’ll see what’s your accepted “allowance” is. Each week you’ll sit together and review last week’s results.

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September 4, 2016