Tag Archives forWebsite

Luxury in Value but Not in Price


Luxury is more than just paying a high price. With a truly luxury item or service, there is that certain something that makes it so.


Publish articles on new places, services, and products, that have that quality but not (yet) the price tag.

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November 5, 2016

Notebooks, Journals, Etc.


Find out how others do it and get help and inspiration.


A website dedicated to tips, tutorial and personal stories on keeping journals and notebooks.

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November 3, 2016

Just Interviews


Find the best interviews on any interesting subject.


A website dedicated to the best interviews in many exciting areas.

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November 3, 2016

The Mistakes Collection


See others’ mistake and learn.


A website that regularly publishes articles only about mistakes in different areas and subjects. Kitchen design, CVs, buying a house, going on vacation to Greece, etc.

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October 28, 2016

A Slight Shift in Paradigm for Email Marketing


One of the email’s advantages over other communication channels is that it’s a push medium. You send your message, and it gets in front of them. This is a good thing, but it might also be a disadvantage, especially if your email messages are long because they see it, think to themselves “later,” or even worse “delete.”


What if your email messages would become more pull than push. They’ll have only a subject line (the headline), and the body will just be a link. You gain two advantages: 1. They get used to this format from you, so there’s a higher probability they’ll take a look and not think “TLDR.” 2. When they do read it, it’s on your webpage where you can do a lot more than in their email client (precise tracking, pop-ups, etc.)

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October 22, 2016
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