When you decide to go to the doctor, most of the time it means you are worried about something. You become even more anxious when you leave home and arrive at the doctor’s office of your appointment. It might be useful to both patient and doctor to relieve at least some of this anxiety.
You probably had this experience already: you had the appointment with your doctor, he prescribed some treatment, you leave, and you already feel better. You’re still sick, and nothing is “fixed” yet. You might even have to go to some further tests etc., but even your symptoms are not as acute. There is a psychological effect making you feel like this. It might be useful if you had some of this effect happen even before your visit. By calling your doctor, talking for a few minutes, you telling him why you are coming to see him shortly, and him listening and then assuring you in an authoritative way he’ll see you shortly, and you’ll continue from here, might have a similar effect – all before the visit.
You get a lot of advice on what you should do, prioritize, target, wish for, etc. that is only part of a good plan.
Make a list of things you should not worry about, and look at it at least every morning and night. It will help you be more effective, focused and even relaxed and less stressful.
Because if you know what’s their number one worry is you can target them with the right hook to grab their attention.
If you already know your target market (your audience) then create an ad that calls them out and asks them to help: “are you planning to open a new coffee shop? Answer this one simple question and we’ll help you – free”.
The ad goes to a landing page where you ask one question and has an input box for them to write in: “As a new entrepreneur planning opening a new coffee shop, what is the one big question you have? What is it that most worries you, that if you find the answer to would help you the most? Please answer in detail. We collect your and others’ answers and will send you a free report on how to solve your problem.”
Gather all the answers and write a report on the one question that worries the majority of them. Send it to all specifying that this is what worries most.
Then use retargeting to call out again all of the participants (pixel them on the landing page).
From now on advertise based on this question to all future people in the target market.