Tag Archives forWriting

Notebooks, Pens and Techniques


For people who love writing journals.


A shop that offers only quality (but not only expensive) notebooks, pens and books and essays about writing.

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January 8, 2017

Get Yourself Analyzed – Are You a Good Writer?


If you want to write and you’re not sure if it’s in you to do it, get a help.


Submit one of your writings, and a some of our experienced writers will tell you. This is mainly not about grammar, but more about do you have something to say, an original spark, a way with thought and ideas.

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September 13, 2016

What if We Reversed the Blogging Sequence?


To not influence people by the actual writing regarding the subject.


Publish only the headline. Then have people respond to it. Only then write what you wanted to write. Then people can respond to it again. Show the pre and post responses separately.

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August 29, 2016