Tag Archives forWritings

Help With Taking What You Wrote Out of the Drawer


Many people write, but nobody ever sees the fruits of their work, many times because they are afraid.


A website where users can publish a sample of their work (maybe a chapter from their book) – anonymously, and others help them by reading and reviewing. The anonymity is key.

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November 22, 2016

Shrinking Notebooks – Keep All Your Writing and Save Space at the Same Time


If you regularly write your thoughts, a journal, etc., you know that after a while it takes a lot of space to store these notebooks.


Make the notebook’s “paper” from a material you can write on. When you finish the journal, you process it (by heating, chemically, etc.), and it will shrink considerably in size, while still leaving your writings legible.

Icons made by Freepik


October 14, 2016