Archive Monthly Archives: August 2016

What Have I Learned Today?


By consciously thinking once a day about one important thing you have learned that day you’ll: fix it into your long term memory; motivate yourself to learn something new every day.


Keep a notebook and get into the habit – just before you go to bed – of thinking about what you have learned that day. Write it in your notebook. Keep the notebook beside your bed to have a visual cue to help you remember and turn this into a habit. After a year look back and see how you progressed.

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August 27, 2016

What Should I Watch Next Today?


Many times you would like to see a movie online (Netflix, Hulu etc.), but don’t know which one.


Use information available online (gathered from today’s news) and/or a simple sentence I input to gauge what I would feel like watching.

Icons made by Freepik


August 27, 2016

Automatically Eliminate Distractions When Concentrating


When you are really concentrating on something it would be good if your surroundings (computer, smartphone) would take notice and automatically eliminate distraction until you finish.


Have the built-in camera track your eyes and measure your pupils’ dilation. When it detects a larger dilated pupil for a certain period of time – indicating higher concentration and attentiveness – it should start shutting down distractions like alerts etc.

Icons made by Freepik


August 27, 2016

Life Imitating Fantasy


Wouldn’t you like to read about real life stories that are basically a fairytale, but that really happened?


A website dedicated to people bringing you real life stories that are the very similar to the most famous legends and tales.

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August 27, 2016

Have an Idea? Tell Those Who You Think Will Be Interested About It!


Your ideas are no good if no one acts on them. If you already came up with an idea, put it out there and let them know about it.


Think and research: who might be profiting from this? Who might be interested in this for any other reason? Let them know about it!

Icons made by Freepik


August 27, 2016