Archive Monthly Archives: November 2016

Floating Small Lighting Drones


Have a light fixture follow you wherever you go in your home.


Use small smart drones with LED lights. They hover above you and follow you wherever you go, so there is light only where it’s needed.

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November 28, 2016

Why You Are Not Successful


Many search for the secrets of success, but don’t realize there are reasons you are not successful that are the defining factors, even when you use the best “techniques” for becoming a success.


A book analyzing, showing and explaining all the types of psychological mechanisms that guarantee some people are not successful – independent of their efforts to become so. Solutions should also be included, at least at a level that guides the reader on how these psychological factors can be dealt with.

Icons made by Freepik


November 28, 2016

Reality Based Tools of Success


There is a lot of success advice that is practical and useful, but almost always the person who gives it mixes it up with some mysticism. There is no need for that. Instead, it is beneficial to show others that these tools and techniques work not because but in spite of the mystic elements woven into them and shown them the true – reality based – reasons why they work.


A book and/or website covering many tools and techniques for success, showing who are the gurus who teach them, how they mix it up with some mystic components (beliefs, rituals, reasons why, etc.), and what is the real life reasons (if they are known) why these techniques work.

Icons made by Freepik


November 28, 2016

Cross Service Glossary


Many times different online service providers (CRM for instance) in a given field use different terms to describe features, tools, and solutions. When you are considering moving from one service provider to another, it’s hard to see which of these the new provider has – what is their equivalent for a tool.


Build an online tool for comparing your current provider to others. You select your provider and the get back a table showing you if the other providers have that feature, what is it called, and what are the differences.

Icons made by Freepik


November 28, 2016

More Symmetrical Selfies


When you take a selfie, your phone might flip the picture to show the real way you look to others instead of a mirror image. You then realize that your face is not very symmetrical.


Build a filter that takes a picture of a face and makes it subtly more symmetrical.

Icons made by Freepik


November 28, 2016