Fun with surprising numbers.
Publish interesting and unexplained correlations that have been observed.
Pick and choose the best.
A table with each row belonging to a successful sales expert and the columns indicating what techniques exist and which ones they use. Each cell is a synopsis, and clicking on it will lead to a page with details on how each one is applying the technique.
You want to eat a specific dish and want to know where to find a good one around you.
An app where you can choose a dish you want to eat and that will show you, based on your current location, where are the best places to get it, which ones do home delivery and even allow you to order.
Marketing luxury is a different game.
A book that shows the differences and what makes luxury special, luxury history, and the different approaches to marketing diverse kinds of luxury.
Find out how people in other countries would have voted.
Conduct a simulated online voting for political candidates but in other countries.