If you like cooking, you might envy those who can make a dish look like a top chef made them at a high-end restaurant. How can you do that at home, easily and quickly?
A website/app/video channel that concentrates on recipes and techniques anyone can use easily and quickly at home to make not only delicious dishes but make them look like a top chef made them.
A new dining experience.
A restaurant that allows you – for a fee – go into the kitchen and help the chef prepare your dish.
Many advocate a clear separation of work and private life and trying to maintain the right balance. Is that the only good route?
An essay arguing that work is an integral part of your life and if you do the tight work there should not even be the subject of balance.
If you would like to learn how to draw.
A tablet app that teaches you how to draw and gives you feedback based on your drawings done in the app.
Many nowadays have the option to work from home. It’s a new and very different situation with benefits and problems.
A book giving the theories and practical advice on how to work from home while still being effective, and not ruining your career.