Archive Yearly Archives: 2017

Over-Deliver After Opt-In


Don’t only over-deliver when you sell a product for money, you can also do it when you promote something that is free.


When you promise something in return for an email address, don’t just deliver what you promised, add a surprise bonus. Selling and delivering the free stuff need the same attention as paid items.

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January 10, 2017

How to Bottle Authenticity


Help you find the what is authentic and useful in you for your new business.


A service that offers a one-hour live session with a consultant. During the session he will help you discover what is it in you, that is both authentic and can be used in your new venture to largely influence your chances for success.

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January 10, 2017

Offer Bundle Upsell With Free Shipping


People resent paying for shipping, especially for low priced items.


Have a bundle package for many of your products, so when they pick one of your products in your e-commerce store, show them that if they buy the bundled package (more of the same item, related items, etc.), they’ll get free shipping.

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January 10, 2017

Interesting Spice Combinations


Try new flavors.


A series of articles examining exotic and uncommon spice combinations in cooking. Each article concentrating on one such spice combination, it’s history (if it’s old enough) and practical advice as to how and for what to use it.

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January 10, 2017

Different Colored Bags for Trash Chore Rotation


A simple way to make trash chore rotation easy.


Package trash bags in repeated color sequences (2, 3, 4 or more colors), like red, green, blue, red, green, blue, etc. This way a household can assign a color to each of the family members doing chores, and everybody will know when it’s their turn to take out the trash based on the color of the bag.

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January 10, 2017