All Posts by My Daily Ideas

“Easy Day” Switch for Email


You want to have an easy day. You’re not taking the day off completely, just taking it easy.


The email service or client software is smart and shows you the types of email you usually get. You then decide which ones to show today in your inbox and wich ones to snooze until tomorrow. These don’t necessarily have to be the most important ones, just the ones you want to see today.

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August 28, 2016

Marketing Agency for Self-Publishers


Writing a book even a good one does not guarantee it will sell. Knowing how to sell and promote the book, launch it and use all the right tools in the right way is a different expertise.


Have a marketing agency with the specific working framework for self-published authors.

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August 28, 2016

How to Be Sherlock Holmes


I would like to have his observational skills and deductive prowess. Wouldn’t you?


Have a website dedicated to his methods collate the best methods from the most successful research, articles, and books. Have interviews with the writers and researchers. Build a community contributing to the learning and practicing of these skills.

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August 28, 2016

A System to Warn Your Small Child About Danger When You’re Not There


Even if you are together at home, you don’t always have your eyes on him. Specifically, when they are a little older around the age of 5 and up. They might be playing on the balcony or by the pool and you’re not there.


Have a perimeter sensor system that omits a low but loud disturbing or irritating sound when someone gets close. Nothing to frighten them, just let them know there is danger close by and they should stay away from the edge of the balcony or the pool.

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August 28, 2016

Am I a Fool To Buy This Now? Should I Wait for the Next Version?


For many things you want and need nowadays, you might ask yourself this question. New MacBook, TV or Camera? I don’t have to buy now so should I wait?


Have an “oracle” that would ask you some questions like “what’s the time frame you can wait?”. Then crunch all the info gathered online and from other sources and give you a recommendation whether to buy now or wait.

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August 28, 2016