Category Archives for Experiment

How to Make the Switch in Your Mind That Can Enable You to Get Your Goals


Most people are motivated to achieve a particular goal they want. It can be losing weight, getting up early, learning a new skill, or even getting into a habit that they know is good for them but makes them uncomfortable. The problem is most don’t succeed, and I think it’s because they never make the switch in their mind – they never decide “this is me from mow on – I will …”


A study and development of a method(s) to help people make the switch. In my experience from experiments I did myself and from observing others, until someone does not make the switch – by themselves and in their own mind – these changes they want to achieve, the goals they want to reach, mostly do not materialize.

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December 14, 2016

Is There a Correlation Between Waking Up Early and Wealth Creation?


Everyone has their biorhythm, and if you can, you might want to follow yours. But is there a correlation between waking up early and wealth creation regardless of a person’s natural biorhythm?


A study to find out based on past and current data if there is any correlation. Do people who wake up early regardless of their natural biorhythm are more likely to create wealth. Is it following your natural biorhythm the correlation? Or maybe it is the natural biorhythm but only for those who wake up early?

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December 8, 2016

A Possible Way to Get People to Pay for Content


Most people don’t hesitate to pay for a newspaper or magazine but will probably not pay to read something similar on the web. Maybe it’s because they do not get anything physical they can say they own. They miss the feeling that owning something gives because it’s not physical.


A series of experiments trying to have a physical element of owning as part of paying for an online subscription. One way might be to have a printed copy of anything they read and would like printed periodically (weekly or monthly) and delivered to the subscriber. In essence, they get their own magazine – uniquely theirs – in physical form to own forever.

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December 5, 2016
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