Category Archives for Ideas

A Smarter Way to Offer Discounts and Incentives Online


Discounts and incentives cost you both money and branding equity. You should only use them when it seems the visitor will not buy. You probably already use simple timed or exit intent triggers to do that, but these are crude behavioral indicators. Something smarter is needed.


First, observe enough visitors to your site and see the behavioral patterns of those who buy and those who don’t. Time their visit, but also “follow” them around. Where do they go with their mouse on the page? What do they click? Where do they hover for longer time periods, etc? All this can and is already done today, but we need to take this further – use the information to match future visitors behavior. If there are distinct patterns that can predict a purchase, you can then only show the incentives when visitors do not match these patterns. Even better, if a “non buyer” pattern also emerges, only show the incentives to visitors exhibiting such a pattern.

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September 24, 2016

A Smart Personal Email Assistant Bot


Email is an asynchronous communications system, but many use it as an instant messenger. If you are like me, you don’t check your email every five minutes. I check mine once or twice a day, sometimes even less. Many don’t know that, so it would be good to have something smart that can reply in the mean time. You could use an auto-reply “holiday” message, but it’s too impersonal.


Have a smart bot that can reply in a more personal way and alert you when needed. First, the bot will analyze your email use patterns to be able to predict your behavior: who is important to you, when, how often, for how long do you reply and write emails, etc. Then it will start sending automated responses when it’s appropriate and alerting you when it’s urgent. Some examples:
– It’s someone important that you usually reply to quickly, but it might be a while before you do this time. The bot will reply with an estimated time you will probably see the email, inform the sender that you will be alerted immediately because the matter seems important, and alert you to check the email ASAP.
– It’s someone you haven’t heard from in a long time (or never). The bot will reply explaining your way of using email and an estimate as to the time you will see the email.
– It’s an ongoing thread about scheduling an appointment. The bot will use your calendar to – if possible – reply with possible options.
– An automated email arrived regarding your flight tomorrow being cancelled. The bot will alert you immediately with the relevant information extracted from the email.

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September 24, 2016

A Trolley Suitcase That Packs Slim


It will take less space when storing.


Have folding sidewalls that can only go so far when pushed out, but fold in to almost flat with the back of the suitcase.

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September 24, 2016

Accountability Game


It will make doing your tasks more fun and help you actually do them.


A website and app that lets you write a goal and a list of tasks (recurring and one time), and invite your friends to hold you accountable. You use this as you would any other task list, with the only difference that they’ll see what happens. To make your friends’ lives easier, the system will message them (email, Facebook, etc.) each day on your progress – what you should have done and did or didn’t. This way they don’t have to do anything proactively, and you know that they know what you did today. They can then – with a simple click – congratulate you on a successful day or send you encouragements for the next day.

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September 24, 2016

The Advantage of Being Twins


Wouldn’t you want to take advantage of this?


Start similar career path but each of you should specialize in different subjects that are crucial to the success in that field. Present yourselves to the world as one person but have the knowledge and experience of two 😉

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September 24, 2016