Category Archives for Marketing

Show the User What You Know and Get His Help


You want to know your user’s profile: his preferences and behavior based attributes. The two conventional approaches today are to either ask him or make guesses based on his behavior. Both have flaws.


Combine the two and iterate. If you already have some concrete ideas about the user, based on his behavior, show him what you think he is interested in, then ask him to help by telling you where you are wrong, inaccurate, missing facts, etc.

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October 13, 2016

Only Physical Information Products


When copies are super abundant, they become worthless. Instead, stuff that can’t be copied becomes scarce and valuable. ~ Kevin Kelly


If you are selling information products, you might want to consider only shipping physically printed products. They are harder to copy, have a greater perceived value, and what’s even better is that, at the same time it makes you unique in today’s all-digital world.

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October 13, 2016

Know What Your Target Audience Is Currently Interested In


It would help you stay on target with the right message to the right audience at any given time.


A service that analyzes social networks activity based on the participant’s age groups and other demographic and psychographic data available about the users of those social networks. At any given time you can see what your target audience is talking about and adjust your campaigns. Alternatively, the social networks might consider giving advertisers the same information as an add-on to the current data they provide.

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October 12, 2016

Know Who Else Is Advertising to Your Audience on Facebook


It would be helpful to discover who else is advertising to your audience, how long, what ads seem to work for them (based on time used), etc.


A service of marketers. Create profiles that would be included in the target audience of the marketer, monitor these profiles, and register all the information available like ad creatives, times presented, first seen, last seen, linked to, etc.) Based on these samples detect patterns that show what and who is doing well with your audience.

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October 12, 2016

Search the Mall Based on Specific Item


It’s easy to find all the shops in the category that might stock the item you are looking for. But then you have to visit every store only to find out many don’t have the item you are looking for in stock at the moment.


Have an item based search app or website that allows you to browse at a much more granular level like “10 years old swim trunk.” It will show you all the items currently in stock, which shop you can get it and at what price.

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October 12, 2016
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