Category Archives for Self Development

Lets Not Forget About…


Partners, couples, and other people close to each other share all kinds of things when they meet: stories, facts, gossip, etc. Many times you forget what you wanted to share by the time you meet.


An app where you can have a shared list that both of you can see and add to. When something pops into your mind that you would like to share, you just add to the list a new item by writing one or two words that would remind you what it was. Both of you can see and use the list before and also during the time you spend together next.

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December 4, 2016

Preemptive Motivational Reminder by Your Favorite Motivational Guru


During your day you might encounter a situation when you need a bit of encouragement or reminder.


Software that runs in the background of your computer, tablet, and smartphone, and monitors your behavior. When it detects certain signs it will determine by those and by past experiences what would be the best message for you to hear at that time. You will then hear (and also possibly see a video clip of) your favorite motivational speaker delivering that message to you. You can then give feedback if it hit the spot or not so that the software can learn to be more accurate.

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November 26, 2016

How to Become an Experienced Wine Drinker Easily


If you already drink wine regularly, but feel you don’t know wine, because you find yourself sticking to buying the same wine again and again.


Every time you buy a familiar bottle of wine, for every such bottle buy a bottle you never tried before. Soon, you’ll have more experience than most wine drinkers.

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November 26, 2016

One Time Mastermind for Top Achievers


What better way to get the best than from the best?


Create a one time a year mastermind meeting for top achievers in a specific area (sales, marketing, management, HR, etc.) Each meeting is unique and all participants have to abide by these rules. Everyone:
1. Needs to apply (and reapply each time) and provide proof they are currently (last 12 months) at the top of their game.
2. Prepare a 10 to 20 minutes talk about the best ideas, tactics, techniques, etc. that made the greatest difference for them in the past 12 months.
3. Send their slide deck and other materials in advance, so that the program can be planned for the best results.
4. Pay the fee for attending.

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November 25, 2016

Help Yourself Experimenting


If you want to improve yourself, you need to change old habits and create new ones. Getting there entails a lot of trial and error to see what is working.


An app that lets you define a new experiment by giving it a name, defining parameters you are measuring and an option to set alerts to remind you to fill in the information. As time passes and your experiment(s) accumulate data, the app will let you see it in many ways: different graphs and charts. This will help you track, analyze and decide how successful the experiment was.

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November 20, 2016