Category Archives for Self Development

Directed Meditation App and Journal – Practical Immediate Help and Long Term Mind Enhancement


Directed meditation has been proven to help and even change the physicality of your brain. This app will help you do it easily and immediately and also keep track of your results.


The app would give you simple instruction from multiple choices of directed meditation techniques. You can choose the one that best suits you and your situation. For example thinking about a confrontation, argument and such, where you felt negative emotions like anger and frustration. In this scenario, you could direct your thought to relive the same situation but as an external viewer – like a fly on the wall. This will help you realize new angles, see connections and insights that you did not before – both about the whole occurrence and about yourself. Before the meditation, the app might ask you a few questions in order to better suggest to you the right technique. Also, you’ll be asked to write a short description of the situation. After the meditation, you’ll write any new feelings, insights and knowledge you think you acquired through the directed meditation.

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September 5, 2016

I’ll Tell You When You’re Complaining So You Can Stop


Complaining is not good for you. It would be nice if you had someone to remind you to stop when you’re complaining.


Have a smartphone app that monitors your speech patterns (intonation, pitch, words used etc.) When it detects you’re complaining it’ll alert you to stop.

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September 4, 2016

Find the 30 Seconds to 5 Minutes Physical Activity a Day That Can Change Your Life


You know you should do some physical activity daily. It’s good for your physical as well as mental and spiritual health. The problem? It’s boring! And as if that is not enough it takes too long, so now it’s boring for a long time.


An app that is a marketplace of sorts. People can upload an exercise plan with the only condition being: it should start with very very little time (30 seconds is good), and grow to a maximum of 5 minutes a day after a while (one to four weeks.) This way even if it’s boring it’s still easy to do – who can’t do something simple for a couple minutes a day?! The other side of the marketplace is people who can now choose from a large variety of very short daily activities that can change their life: the way they feel, their posture, and health.

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September 4, 2016

Know When You Procrastinate Then Delegate


We all procrastinate. It would be nice if you knew how much and how to create a positive outcome from it.


Instead of measuring the time you spend on tasks measure the time you spend procrastinating. You can use the same app. Every time you feel you’re putting things off just start the timer and record it as “I should have done X” in the app you’re using. That’s the hard part – being aware that it starts. After a while – give it at leas a week – look at the report. What are the types of tasks that you tend to procrastinate on when they come up? Can any of these be delegated? If so do it and you’ll be much more effective and feel much better about yourself.

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September 4, 2016

The Personal Public Journal of Failures


You mostly learn from failure. It does not mean, however that you should desire failure, only that you need not fear it. A public (even if anonymous) journal will help you conquer your fear and serve you as a study of what you have learned throughout your journey.


Simply publish a blog with all your failures and what you’ve learned from them. Apart from helping you it might also help and inspire others.

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September 2, 2016