Promote art and make it fun to consume it.
A website and app that invites people to join a global game of who is the biggest art consumer, who sees the most exhibitions, etc. Have leaderboards in many major and minor categories, like geographic (country, state, city), topical (paintings, sculptures), movements (impressionists, fauvists), etc.
You are looking for a new gardening, cleaning, auto repair or other professional services.
Take the old model of asking your friends to a new level by having an online search functionality where you can ask a question like “show me a short list of all plumbers who have good reviews from my online friends.” This can be built on top of an existing social platform, by having a professional service review option. Professional services can have a presence (a company page on Facebook for instance), and people who use them can leave reviews. When you look for a new service provider, the system can then show you the top list based on people you trust – your online friends.
You are reading a book and would like to discuss something in it with others.
An ebook reader feature that allows me to see if any others are also reading this book right now (and also filter those who have read the part I am on), and enables me to communicate with them regarding the particular part I’m reading.
Get to know people in your wealth level from all around the globe, and get inspiration and help to get to the next level.
A private online (and offline) community, based on levels of wealth (net worth and monthly income.) The basic level is $1 million in net worth. Each next level is an order of magnitude larger (10X), so the next level is $10 million, the next one $100 million, etc. A member of the higher level has access to all lower levels. Also, a higher level member can be a patron to the next lower level member, if that member is very close to reaching his next level. This patronage offers some perks from the higher level and is a way to help and inspire lower level members to get to the next level. Separation between level is very strict, so a higher level member cannot disclose anything that goes on in his level to lower level members (with some exceptions for patronages.)
Compete in who is making the most (and fastest) money without the authorities knowing who you are.
A private online club where participants – without disclosing their identity to others in the club – post regular updates on their financial state, how much they are worth, how much they make, and how they did it. The website is hosted offshore in a safe place. There can be a public facing website that shows the leaderboards.